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Machine Learning for Client Success

Yolanda McKee

Background and Object

⭕️ The Midway Computing Center provides the University of Chicago community a full-service high-performance computing (HPC) center, including visualization, software, workshops, consulting, and data-management strategies.

⭕️ But in recent years, with the increased importance of computing resources and skyrocketed demand of them, there appears to be underusage and misallocation.

⭕️ We use data from to get yearly information of Usage, Allocation, Available Resources and Users to analyze the relationship among Usage Portion, Allocation and so on. Furthermore, we apply machine learning for the Classification of Users and Prediction of their future usages for future utilization of resources and optimal allocation.

2 Description of Data

Allocation and usage data were queried from MCC internal Account-Tool database (MySQL) hosted at, including multiple tables storing MCC accounts information.

Allocation records are directly dumped from the database covering cycles 2013 to 2018. Usages are pre-processed for each cycle by following steps:

  1. Check out all records from either midway_usages or midway_usages_archived table.
  2. Aggregate records by group accounts and count the total number of jobs, charged SUs, distinct users, and calculate average cpus and nodes for jobs in each group.
  3. For the 2018 cycle, the amounts have been projected to the full year of 365 days.

Finally we aggregated the results of all year-cycles together, so in the table each record (row) is the data for a group in a year.

The avaliable SUs were estimated from the history of system load. The data can be queried from ,MCC statistics sever, and it hosts a time-series database (Graphite) that stores historical logs of allocated and idle nodes reported by SLURM. Data were pre-processed by aggregration to daily average before downloading. After downloading the daily data, we aggregated it by year-cycles. The data points for 2018 were projected to 365 days.

3 Analysis and Discussions

3.1 Total allocations and usages over years




3.2 Allocations and usages by units


Based total service units usages(usages), we get top 5 divisions: PSD, IME, BSD, Booth and CI The acquirement of usages of divisions is by matching the Unit ID of accounts and corresponding Units(Divisions)

This section conducts allocation and consumption analysis based on the top 5 divisons.

Biographies of Top 5 Divison:

Division Full name Field
PSD Physical Science Division Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics
IME Institute for Molecular Engineering Technology, Energy, Medicine, Environment, Quantum Research, Molecular Genetics
BSD Biological Sciences Division Biochemistry, Ecology, Genetics, Neurobiology, Public Health, Clinics
Booth Booth School of Business Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Organizations
CI Computation Institute Bioinformatics, Neuroscience, Environment, Astrophysics, Computational economics



3.3 VIP Groups


Based total service units usages(usages), we get top 10 groups(Account), referred to as VIP Groups Then retriving the summation of their allocation and usage over years.


The graph shows from 2013 - 2018, 10 vip groups as a whole have more consumption than their allocation.


3.4 Relation between Usage and Allocation

⭕️This graph shows the accumulated usage portions of all accounts.

⭕️In this graph, every point represents one account,the Size🌕represents group size, the Color indicates allocation volumn and the Height reflects its usage portion.
The red dotted line is the hypothetical usage portion based on past days of 2018.


Historical data of usages and allocations categorized by cycle and groups.


3.5 Matrix Analysis

⭕️The pair-wise scatter plots are shown below for Group Features and Useage Portion prediction.



3.6 Logistic Regression Analysis for Future Trend

We use Groups’ Features to conduct Useage Portion prediction. The 8 features used here is ‘Usage’,’Allocation’,’Usage_Portion_n’,,’users’,’jobs’,’SU per job’,’SU per user’,’Jobs per user’. We ran a logistic regression on next year’s usage portion.


3.7 Logistic Regression Analysis for Usage Portion

Relationship between Usage and Usage Portion


Relationship between Group Size and Usage Portion


4 Conclusions

Equity ≠ Efficiency

To achieve social efficiency, we need to achieve the maximum summation of Producer Surplus(PS) and Comsumer Surplus(CS), and minimize Deadweight Loss(DWL) that is generated by quota and under usage.

Overall, the indicators we chose are proved to play a significant role in the usage portion and can be considered as reasonable predictor for future usage portion. In future, M Computing Center is recommended to assess subscription of computing resources based on those indicators for efficient allocation, all-around client services and computing resources utilization.